Designing an Alchemy System: Graphics

Overall Design 

I want the user to be able to collect items in the world and combine them at an alchemy table to produce potions. There are two possibilities for the potion creation algorithm: 

1. Combining two ingredients with the same effect creates a potion with that effect, plus a random chance of side effects (Skyrim). 

2. There is a premade list of ingredient combinations to be discovered by the player (Graveyard Keeper, Minecraft). 

The time and place of potion creation may also affect the potency of potions. I like the first method more — it's one of my favorite things to do in Skyrim — but it will be harder to implement. 

However, my main focus right now is to create a basic alchemy table that can be used in the game with a couple of ingredients found at the starting scene. I could also create an apothecary with a shop to buy more ingredients. A settlement for the player to discover near spawn may be helpful? 


Skyrim might be my favorite game, and the alchemy system might be one of my favorite parts of it, but I hate the design of the alchemy table. We can do better. 

Skyrim Alchemy Table

Look at it.

In all fairness, the hexagon design in the table is pretty cool, and I enjoy the glowing effects. However, the lack of color contrast and the round shape will not work in a 2D pixel art game. 

I'll also probably have to use that kind of tooltip - A) Use Alchemy Table 

Alchemy lab built in the sims by u/SimSativa on Reddit

Super cute, highly detailed alchemy lab.

The shape of this lab would be hard to replicate in 2D, especially isometric (curves!) but the smaller details like the candles, hanging plants, lighting, and tools are all super cute. When I eventually make an apothecary building, I'll refer to this for lighting and decor inspiration. 

Alchemy Setup in the Sims 3

The Sims is an unexpectedly helpful source of isometric inspiration.

This is a blatantly isometric alchemy table. The candles on top of the book stand are cool, and the L-shape of the table might be a good idea for a corner-fitting design like in Skyrim. However, there isn't much room for mixing potions on the actual table, so the books would have to be replaced with a little cauldron or a well. 

Concept Art 

Eventually, I'll create a full-fledged apothecary shop, but for now, I'll focus on just the table. The early game should have a medieval vibe — some later portions might become more "technologically advanced" - steampunk or Victorian, depending on the location. 

So, I'm going with a lot of unfinished wood and metal, and maybe an open flame underneath the cauldron. 

This is most of the ideas I ended up going with. The shape of the table wasn't quite right (too square), but I love the lamp and the floating book stand, both of which I'll probably incorporate later.

These two items won't relate to alchemy directly, but I found some inspiration while I was looking for references. They wouldn't be very drawable at regular item scale, though. I might need a Fallout 4-style closeup of them when they're picked up in order to show them off.

Final Sprite 

The final look for now - it's pretty close to the concept art, but with some tweaks made to fit the isometric style. I've included a Helen for scale. I still want to add the floating book stand behind the alchemy table, but that will have to be a separate sprite, so I haven't included it (yet). It'll also need a light source, probably a light suspended over the table, but that will also be added later. I need to make lighting prefabs, anyway. 

For the Future

I still need to do all my UI/UX design for alchemy, which will be a separate post. This one's already long enough, especially with all the images. 

By the way - I keep getting views on these but I don't know who from. So I'd love it if you introduced yourself in the comments, especially if you're interested in my work! 

Thank you for reading, 


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